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  • What A Letter!

    What A Letter!

    I received a letter this morning from a lady I had the opportunity to lead to the Lord on Friday, May 11 with her husband. The letter was such a blessing and an encouragement, I asked if I could share it and was granted permission. I pray it blesses you and reminds you that the […]

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  • A Most Rewarding Experience

    A Most Rewarding Experience

    This past Tuesday evening, I had one of the most rewarding ministry experiences of my life! I was given the opportunity to teach 29 people (who had never been taught the principle) why we should go soul winning and how to go soul winning. Here is the best part… they wanted to be there and […]

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  • One of Life’s Greatest Joys

    One of Life’s Greatest Joys

    This past year on my birthday, which happened to be a Saturday, I had the desire to have the opportunity to...

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  • A Biblical View of Stewardship

    A Biblical View of Stewardship

    At this time of year, many churches are involved in some type of stewardship campaign or emphasis. I have had the privilege to be a part of a church that is...

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  • Fusion (book review)

    Fusion (book review)

    This past Sunday, a couple visited our Homebuilders Adult Bible Class for the first time. I greeted them as they came in and thanked them for coming. As they walked past me...

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