This past Tuesday evening, I had one of the most rewarding ministry experiences of my life! I was given the opportunity to teach 29 people (who had never been taught the principle) why we should go soul winning and how to go soul winning. Here is the best part… they wanted to be there and they were excited about what they were learning and putting into practice! How did this come to be, let me share with you the story…
We have a man in our church, Bret, who was taking classes in our Chico Evening School of Bible (our church’s Institute) and attended a business luncheon on behalf of his employer. At the luncheon, a Christian businessman spoke and challenged the attendees. Bret approached the speaker afterwards and thanked him for his message and invited him to our church. After he learned that the speaker had his own church, he encouraged him to consider taking a class in our Chico Evening School of Bible. The speaker, Bill, called our office and he, his wife, and his friend enrolled. After learning a lot about the Bible and catching a desire for soul winning, Bill asked me to come to his church and conduct a Soul Winning Seminar.
This past Tuesday evening, I had the privilege of going to that church in a town near mine and teaching 29 people about soul winning! The church had been there since 1940, but soul winning was no longer part of the weekly routine. It was such a blessing to be around other Christians that wanted to know what soul winning was, how to do it, and how to reach their community for Christ. I am planning to return for a follow-up seminar soon and am extremely excited about what God is doing there and in the hearts of those dear people.
I share this story with you to encourage you with this thought—all of that came about because one soft-spoken businessman invited another man to visit his church. You never know what God will do with every obedient step you take.