The other night on the way home from church, I was praising my four year-old daughter, Lydia, for the way she behaved in the service. I was telling her about the new ice cream that was waiting in the freezer at home. Lydia asked if we could go to Baskin Robbins and get her favorite ice cream with sprinkles. I explained that the ice cream at home is the name brand, top of the line, good ice cream. At this point her big eyes were fighting tears. After a few quiet moments, Lydia began to explain that she had promised her heart that she was going to have her favorite ice cream. She went on to plea that she didn’t want to lie to her heart because that would be wrong. It was one of those moments that you have to treat with caution because she was sincere and somewhat vulnerable in her expression of the heart, and yet her choice of words was comical.
Have you made a promise to your heart? Maybe it was a promise that you were looking forward to keeping. You had your hopes up that you would keep a decision and would enjoy the sweet rewards that come to those who chose right. May I encourage you with the reminder that it is very important to God that you keep the decisions and vows that you make.
Deuteronomy 23:21 says, “When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.”
I also want to encourage those of you that have made some great decisions, and the Devil has made it very hard for you to keep those decisions. Jonah ran from God and was severely punished. Yet, when he repented, God used him in a mighty way. God desires to be in close fellowship with you again. Don’t lie to yourself or Him.